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2nd Intervention: Recording Artisans


Building on the foundation laid in my first intervention, my next step was to immerse myself in the world of pottery wheel artisans. The aim was to capture their intricate craftsmanship using my machine learning tool, AI.RTISANSHIP, to explore whether artificial intelligence can learn and help replicate these skills effectively.

Engaging with Artisans

I connected with various artisans, each bringing their unique techniques and styles to the table. These interactions were not just about observation but also about understanding what defines their craft. Recording their movements, gestures, and techniques, I gathered a wealth of data for training the AI model.

Challenges and Insights

The process wasn't without its challenges. Capturing the nuances of hand movements and the delicate touch of the artisans required in pottery was complex. However, these challenges provided deep insights into how technology can be tailored to respect and preserve the essence of traditional craftsmanship. Maybe this just answers my question and it's just not possible to do.


Using the recorded data, I began training the AI.RTISANSHIP tool. The goal was to see if the AI could not only replicate but also understand the artistry involved in pottery. This step was crucial in determining the tool's capability to serve as a bridge between traditional and modern methods, enhancing the educational aspect of craftsmanship.


This phase of my research emphasized the importance of collaboration and mutual respect between technology and tradition. The artisans' willingness to share their knowledge and the AI's ability to learn from it highlighted a promising path forward. These experiences reinforced my commitment to preserving cultural heritage while embracing innovative educational tools.

As I continue this exploration, I am inspired by the potential of AI.RTISANSHIP to revolutionize crafts education, ensuring that traditional skills are not only preserved but also made accessible to future generations in an engaging and meaningful way.

Looking Ahead

The journey with AI.RTISANSHIP is ongoing. The next steps involve refining the AI's capabilities and expanding the database. This project is not just about technology but about creating a harmonious blend where the old meets the new, fostering a richer, more inclusive understanding of our cultural heritage.

👉 Next Up: Further Steps in AI.RTISANSHIP