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1st Intervention: Reaching out


After navigating numerous challenges in defining my project, I've come full circle, integrating my initial passion with newly developed interests. My journey, shaped by seminars like "Measuring the World" and "Designing with Extended Intelligences," as well as Neil Gershenfeld's book, "When Things Start to Think," has led me to explore how Artificial Intelligence and IoT can redefine traditional craftsmanship.

To delve deeper into this fusion, I sought insights from Manuel Martinez Torán, my former professor and the current director at the "Càtedra d'artesanía de la Universitat Politècnica de València." His perspective, rooted in merging technology with craftsmanship to revitalize the field, provided valuable feedback on my ideas, particularly concerning the education of the next generation of artisans.

Additionally, on a theoretical level, thanks to Laura, I've been engaging with the thoughts of UAB professor Jesús Adrián, exploring Heidegger’s "The Question Concerning Technology." With this exploration I aim to uncover the essence of craftsmanship in this new era and whether it can be preserved amidst technological integration.

This journey isn't just about blending old and new but questioning and understanding the essence of craftsmanship and how digital tools might alter our perception of artisanal products. Through these enriching discussions and theoretical explorations, I continue to seek opportunities to innovate within the realm of craftsmanship, ensuring its relevance and vitality in the modern age.

Reflections on this first step

This reflection on the transformative journey explores the exciting and daunting possibilities at the convergence of traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology. Engaging discussions and theoretical explorations have illuminated the complexities and potential of merging these domains. The seminar "Measuring the World" showed how metrics and data can enhance our interaction with and understanding of the world, suggesting the potential for artisanal works that blend traditional methods with AI insights to meet consumer preferences and environmental sustainability. "Designing with Extended Intelligences" highlighted the role of AI and IoT as partners in the creative process, expanding the possibilities in craftsmanship. Neil Gershenfeld's concept in "When Things Start to Think" envisions products that interact and adapt to us, bringing technology to life in craftsmanship. Meanwhile, the insights from Heidegger cautioned against technology overshadowing the essence of traditional crafts, advocating for a balanced integration to preserve their intrinsic value.

As I continue to explore and innovate within this space, these reflections guide me, reminding me to respect and uplift the traditional while boldly embracing the new. Every discussion, every piece of feedback, and every theoretical insight fuels my passion and commitment to this evolving craft landscape.

👉 Next Up: The Atlas of Weak Signals