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Documenting Design 📚

5/10/2023 - 7/11/2023

What’s the purpose of making things if we don’t register them for everyone to see?? In order to make a register of the individual work done at the master we were asked to make documentation containing all the reflections of the different seminars. 

Wait, do we actually need to make a web?????😬😬😬

Yes, we do. Thinking about it, it’s interesting to make a web documentation, that way, information will be more accessible to everyone and by being organized I will be able to finally show my friends and family what we do in the master. 😅😅😅 Fab Lab Bcn offered us a template for the web but I knew I will feel disappointed if the course ended without trying to do my own. For that reason, I decided to give it a try and attempt to code my own website.

So where do I start?? 🤔

I decided to code the web using html and css. Starting from scratch, I decided to visit the old reliable Youtube, where I decided to watch a 6:30 hour video (even tho it felt even longer) explaining the coding of this languages for beginners 🤯. After an intense week in the master, using grids and flex and so many parameters in the styles sheets, I managed to have what I can call my own website. I honestly feel very proud of it and I’m glad I decided to challenge myself to try and code a web from scratch. It’s been a long, frustrating but at the end a good experience that has added a new skill to my portfolio and now I’m able to really make the documentation the way I want.


Git status, Git add, Git commit and Git push 🤬

After having a hard time building the web code, it was time to struggle with actually getting the website online. To do this, we made use of the platform Git Hub where we connected our local repository using Git. Beign honest I had a really hard time learning to use Git and managing to connect all the work done for the teachers to actually see it. At the end, tanks to various YouTube videos and the help of Josep, I managed to upload the code to my online repository and finally having my web officially online (So now you can actually be reading this from your computer)

Time to document...

Documentation should be divided by seminar and should include: What did we do in the seminar and how do we feel about it. For example, if I didn’t enjoy one of the seminars, then that should be included in the documentation, why, what I was expecting out of it, how will I do it...  


Short answer is however we want. The plan should be to make the documentation our own. I could document via audios, videos, illustrations… But always some text. Personally, I will try to document mostly by text because that’s how I feel better, but I will always try to include pictures of the process in order to make the documentation more attractive to the viewers (Personal note: Take pictures, lots of pictures). Also, GIFs are a great way to get the readers' attention, not heavy files (unlike videos) but very dynamic, and they can be used to show a whole process in just one space. 

Staying organized 🧠

No mater how I want to document it’s essential that I stay always organized. Documentation should be accessible, so my web should also be like that. By having clear way to the different tabs and an easy to navigate web should be enough.

👉 Next Up: Design Studio